So I do not have a whole bunch to say this week. This past week we had our "Christmas Party" with like 6 zones in Huanuco with Presidente Henderson. We had a great time. What I enjoyed the most was the WEATHER. Oh man. It is perfect temperature in Huanuco!!! The party was great and it was great to see Elder Bush, Elder Wittaker and Elder Holmes. (See photos)
As we approach Christmas this week. I wanted to share a few thoughts I have had this week....
The first is, I have really been studying a lot about the Grace of Jesus Christ, since his life was a gift to us from our Heavenly Father, it seems only right to share a little bit about his life as we celebrate his birth. The Grace given to us by Jesus Christ when he suffered for all of our sins, temptations, afflictions, sufferings, pains, etc. is a gift. A talk that I truly love, was given by Brad Wilcox, at a BYU devotional a few years back called, "His Grace is Sufficent." Wow. For many people, Grace is really hard to comprehend. For me it was. I had no clue what Grace really was until I studied this talk. I learned from this talk that this life is practice. We are to practice heaven here on Earth. One thing Brad said that really sticks out to me is this, "Heaven will not be Heaven for those who do not choose to be Heavenly". Well isnt that the truth?? When we practice Heaven here on Earth, primarily through the teaching of Christ and his example he was for us, we learn how to be Heavenly. So many people when they get to heaven will be so uncomfortable there that they will choose to leave. But when we apply the life of Jesus Christ in our lives here in our earthly mission, we can LEARN heaven, and LEARN to be Heavenly and LEARN what it takes to live again with our Heavenly Father, through the GRACE of Jesus Christ. If I dont make sense, because my brain gets confused going back and forth between Spanish and English, just go listen to this talk, :) you will learn a ton from it. It has helped me be a better person so maybe give it a shot and listen to it too!
The second is this, we all have faults. We all are imperfect beings, and as King Benjamin said, "unworthy creatures". But why are we unworthy? Because we are imperfect, we can not return to live in the presence of God, WITHOUT applying the Grace and Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through him we have the opportunity, to become clean, to live a life filled with charity and love. Christ's was the perfect example to us. One yes, because he lived a sinless life. But two, because he taught us how to be heavenly, and that as we work through our struggles and kinks, we can help others with their kinks and struggles too. When we apply his teachings and his life, into our lives, we can progressively become worthy creatures, that one day we may all live with our families for eternity, in the presence of our Heavenly Father.
I hope that this knowledge brings you peace as it has me. If you cant understand what I have said, study Grace. And study the life of Jesus Christ, since he is our perfect example, learn from Him and apply what you learn to your life, and you will come to see, that your life will be filled with more happiness than you could ever imagine.
Thank you all for being imperfect ;) just kidding. Thank you all for being human. And always helping others overcome their challenges, this is a Christ like attribute that not many people have... but I have been fortunate enough to surround myself with people who love me, and love to help me and others improve their lives.
I pray that you all may have a Merry Christmas with your families, and that you will have a desire to not only improve your lives, but the lives of others too.
Con todo mi amor,
Elder Bell.